Zain Chaudhry

Economist, World Bank


I am a behavioral economist at the Development Impact Evaluation (DIME) department at the World Bank. I received my PhD in Economics at Heidelberg University, Germany. 

I am a behavioral development economist studying questions about state capacity and governance focusing on human resource management, education and health. I use rigorous econometric methods such as Randomized Controlled Trials and quasi-natural experiments using self-designed surveys, lab-in-the-field experiments, and administrative data. In some of my work, I investigate how community health workers’ performance can be improved using individually-customized behavioral contracts, how a cash transfer program affects trust in the state and vaccine take-up, and how a door-to-door political campaign affects vote shares and turnout.


To conduct this work, I cooperate with public and private sector entities such as public universities, departments of health and ministries of finance. My research has been funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), International Growth Centre (IGC), and Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA).

Recent News: I will be presenting “Fickle Groups: A Field Experiment on Time Preferences” at the Advances in Field Experiments (AFE) Conference, University of Chicago (21-22 Sep), the 15th Nordic Conference on Behavioral and Experiment Economics (28-29 Sep) and at the BEEMA, NY Fed (6 October).


Curriculum Vitae (Updated May 2023)

Contact /

Twitter: @ZainChaudhry

Tel: +1 202 473 1025

The World Bank Group,

1850 I Street NW, 

Washington DC 20433

United States of America


With Karrar Hussain, FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg and Attique-ur-Rehman, UC Delaware.
Oxford Economic Papers, May 2022

Abstract (click to expand)

Working Papers

With Karrar Hussain (FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg)

Abstract (click to expand)

Work in Progress

Selection and Performance of Health Workers

With Dietmar Fehr (Heidelberg), Karrar Hussain (FAU-Erlangen Nuremberg) and Muhammad Yasir Khan (Pittsburgh)

Funded by the DFG. Data collection begins Early 2024.

Cash Transfers and Trust in the State

With Markus Frölich (Mannheim) and Paula von Haaren (Heidelberg)

Funded by the DFG. Data collection begins December 2023. 

Cognitive Skills and Decision-Making

With Axel Dreher (Heidelberg) and Tobias Korn (Hanover)

Funded by the DFG. First endline collection completed.

Inter-Sectarian Contact and Economic Outcomes

With Karrar Hussain (FAU-Erlangen Nuremberg)

Funded by the IPA and IGC. Draft under preparation.

Job Opportunities

I am currently hiring a Project Manager based at the Centre for Economic Research in Pakistan. You should have the ability to work independently and lead a team. The project is on the national cash transfer program in Pakistan, which delivers cash to women with the goal of female empowerment. The project is with Markus Frölich (Mannheim/C4ED), Paula von Haaren (Heidelberg) and Nasir Iqbal (PIDE). 

Prof. Frölich is a leading econometrician who runs his own research organization in Germany (C4ED) and Pakistan and has a strong placement record for his interns/research assistants (e.g. Harvard, Stanford and LSE). Prof. Iqbal is a leading expert of the national cash transfer programme of Pakistan, having previously served as the BISP Secretariat’s Director R&D. 

Website: This design, made by Xinyue Lin for Gautam Rao, is available at Gautam Rao’s GitHub repository.